On November 28, my grandfather passed away. I (metaphorically) lost my voice after that and didn't have any interest in blogging.
However, quite a few weeks later, I'm pretty sure I'm ready to restart this blog! A new name and a new purpose-- HollieJolly Designs suits me better than ATadPlaid :)
Now, to catch up from where I left off! There has been lots of crocheting since then, but there are only a few things I want to highlight:
First, 2013 has basically been the Year of the Horse for me. I've made quite a few horse things!
The top-left and bottom-right are by FreshStitches, while the loveys are pattern from Bowtykes. Both designers are highly recommended!
I was also lucky enough to test MonstersToybox's first pattern (to be released in a few weeks):
And speaking of first patterns, I'm releasing my own first pattern on February 16! I'll be releasing the Triceratops Lovey pattern on Ravelry, so keep a lookout for when that goes live!
I'm glad to be back in the blog-o-sphere and to share more events and projects of 2013 with you!
Welcome back :)